Rinse Systems Calculator


Fill out the form below to track regulated ion concentrations, obtain water flow rates, chemical loss, and other rinsing data. Click on the field descriptions to get more information on the entry. Read the disclaimer before using the output of this model for real-world applications.

Click on the input headings to get further instructions for each input.

Process Tank Information
Enter Process Tank TDS
or select a process for an
approximate value.:

Regulated Ion Name: (Ex. Cu or Pb)
Regulated Ion Concentration: (g/l)
Fluid Temperature: (F)
Fluid Surface Area: inches by inches
Other Parameters
Dragout Rate: (l/hr)
Rinsing Criterion: (mg/l)
Type of Rinsing System

More Rinsing Information


About the Model

The Rinse Systems Calculator figures the flow requirements, chemistry losses, and other parameters of common rinsing systems. Configurations include 2-, 3-, and 4-stage counterflowing systems, with and without drag-out tanks, along with simple flowing rinse tanks.

The model assumes 100% rinsing efficiency (instantaneous and complete mixing of dragout and rinsewater).

The drag-out tank TDS is assumed to be at a level determined by the drag-out rate and the evaporation rate of the process tank (the drag-out tank fluid is assumed to be used to replace the process tanks evaporative loss and the drag-out tank is, in turn, replenished with fresh water.)


The model is based on widely used and accepted formulae for counterflowing rinses but the results are based on idealized conditions. The performance of actual rinsing systems depends on the rinsing efficiency of the tanks, the variability of the introduction rate of drag-out and other factors. In short, few real-world rinsing systems will perform as indicated; most will require a higher rinsewater flow to maintain a given criterion.

Input Fields

TDS of the Process Tank. Total Dissolved Solids in grams per liter in the process tank.

Regulated Ion. Enter the name and concentration of any regulated ions you wish to track through the rinsing system. The calculator will determine concentrations and total emissions.

Fluid Temperature. Entry must be in F.

Fluid Surface Area. The dimensions of the surface area of the process fluid, in inches.

Agitation. Generally, choose yes only if the fluid is vigorously agitated, as with air sparging, for example.

Drag-Out Rate. This is the flow of process fluid dragged out of the process tank and into the rinsing system. The units required are liters/hour. (More on drag-out and drag-out reduction)

Rinsing Criterion. For the purposes of this model, rinsing criterion is defined as the required cleanliness of the final rinse of the system. Typical numbers for rinsing criteria are: <40 mg/l for electronics, ~100-400 mg/l for plating rinses and ~800 mg/l for cleaning rinses. These numbers do not include TDS components originating in the rinsewater.

Type of Rinsing System. Select a rinsing configuration. Selecting all shows all 7 supported systems on the same page for comparison.



The information contained in this site is provided for your review and convenience. It is not intended to provide legal advice with respect to any federal, state, or local regulation.
You should consult with legal counsel and appropriate authorities before interpreting any regulations or undertaking any specific course of action.

Please note that many of the regulatory discussions on STERC refer to federal regulations. In many cases, states or local governments have promulgated relevant rules and standards
that are different and/or more stringent than the federal regulations. Therefore, to assure full compliance, you should investigate and comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.