Published by the
American Electroplaters Society
Publication and Editorial Office
3040 Diversey Ave., Chicago
July 8, 9, 10, and 11 are the magic
dates of 1929 and the City Detroit and State Michigan for the A. E. S. and
the hotel. Don’t forget.
President E. Allen and his many
committee members are forging right ahead with the plans to make this convention
the best educational
and practical session
ever held by the A. E. S.
They are asking that each branch
do their bit in getting enthusiasm worked up among their members, also that
members get busy and
name their papers, that
programs may contain conclusive evidence that this is your profession and you
are the men who furnish the practical and scientific details that make progress
in this art of electrodeposition.
Remember the only recompense that
these branches get from entertaining A. E. S. and its friends is the satisfaction
of a job
well done and only way to demonstrate
this to their satisfaction, is to attend this annual event and bring your interested
friends and platers with you ever remembering the greater the number the bigger
the success.
The Detroit Branch secretary says
that Detroit does lots of chromium platings and many new wrinkles will be
exhibited at the annual meeting. So
let us all
be there.
By Dr. A. K. Graham (From Convention
The reduction of energy consumption
in the plating circuit has been the concern of electrical engineers for some
years. Most attention has
been focused upon
the current capacity of the buss bars, the location of the plating tank with
respect to the generators, and the proper relation of the capacity of the rheostat
to the current and voltage requirements. With the advent of chromium plating
where the energy consumed is unusually high, an analysis of how this energy
is used within the solution is undoubtedly of interest and a similar study
of the
other kinds of plating might be profitable. For such an undertaking the assistance
of the electrochemist must be sought because a knowledge of the fundamental
principles of electrochemistry is essential.
In attempting such an analysis
consider a typical plating room circuit containing a six-volt generator D,
an anode A, a plating bath B, a cathode C and a rheostat
R. Such a circuit is illustrated in Figure 1. From, D at 1 to D at 2 there
is a pressure of six volts. There is a very small drop on pressure in the buss
from D to A. At the anode A, a drop occurs as the current enters the solution.
This is due to the anode polarization about which more will be said later.
Through the solution B the pressure continues to fall. At the cathode A a further
takes place; this is due to the cathode polarization which will also be discussed
later on. The pressure loss in the buss bar from C to the rheostat R is very
small. Through R, a large drop occurs, while the small drop in the buss bar
from R back to the generator D at 2 finally reduces the voltage to zero.
to Figure 2 shows that in the case under consideration the total buss bar
loss, i. e., the pressure drop, of 0.22 is small, which of course
is as it
should be. The drop in pressure from anode to cathode is the sum of the drop
at the anode A (0.8 volt), the drop through the solution B (2.7 volts) and
the drop at the cathode C (10 volt). The drop through the rheostat R (.28 volts)
is the difference between the sun of all of the above values and six volts,
pressure of the generator.
The energy consumed in the plating room determines the cost of plating. This
energy is the product of the voltage E, the current I and the time T. The
Cost = Energy = E X 1 X T
plating actually accomplished, however,
is determined by the current 1 multiplied
by the time it flows, T. It is evident
2. Plating ” 1 X T
from equation
(2) that, if the necessary current could be obtained without any voltage,
E, plating could be carried on without the consumption of energy
hence at no cost. It is therefore desirable to plate with as low an energy
consumption, at as low a voltage E, as possible.
In this connection further
reference to the illustration in Figure 2 shows that 4 5 volts are required
across the plating tank, and the 1.5 excess voltage
by the generators is wasted. If it were possible to eliminate the combined
pressure drops at both anode ad cathode C (1.8 volts) the plating voltage from
A to C
would then be the drop through the bath B or only 2.7 volts. This would be
a forty per cent decrease in energy consumed and in plating cost. It is because
the voltage drop at the \electrodes has such an important bearing not only
the cost but also upon the actual control of the plating operation that what
happens at the anode and cathode is of interest.
In attempting to study the
voltage drop at anode and cathode consider the simple case of the two platinum
electrodes in a sulphuric acid solution. Figure 3
shows such a cell connected to a double throw switch but in such a manner that
the switch occupies position one (1) the cell is in a series with a dry cell,
D, a rheostat, R, and a galvanometer, G When the switch is closed at position
two (2) the cell is short circuited directly through the galvanometer.
If the
switch S is closed in position one (1) and the rheostat adjusted so that
the applied voltage V across the cell equals 1.23 volts, the galvanometer
show no deflection.
If the applied voltage is now raised
to any value above 1.23 volts and below 1.70 volts the galvanometer will
give a sudden deflection
in one direction
indicating a flow of current and an invisible film of gas is believed to form
at the electrodes.
The current quickly drops to zero as this film builds up and the galvanometer
pointer returns to its original position. If the switch S is now closed in
position two (2) the cell is short circuited through the galvanometer which
will show
a deflection equal to but in the reverse direction to the previous one. This
small current resulting from the back electromotive force caused by the gas
films quickly drops to the zero as the films are dissipated and the galvan
again returns
to its neutral position.
If the switch S is returned to position
one (1) and the applied voltage is now raised to 1.7 volts the galvanometer
is permanently
deflected and a small
continues to flow.
The theoretical decomposition voltage
of water is about 1.23 volts; yet it was found necessary to raise the applied
voltage to 1.7 volts
before visible
of the solution and a continuous flow of current took place. Neglecting the
small ohmic resistance of the solutions the difference between these two values
0.47 volt the pressure used in overcoming the resistance to the flow of the
current offered by the gas films formed on both electrodes. This polarization,
as it
is called, may be defined as the difference between the theoretical and the
actual applied voltage required to maintain continuous electrolysis.
Two kinds
of polarization are possible, namely (a) concentration polarization and (b)
chemical polarization. (a) concentration polarization is affected by
(1) the speed with which the ions move; (2) nature of the ion discharge (whether
gas or metal) and the (3) current density. (4) temperature and (5) agitation
employed. The specific effect of any one of these variables depends upon the
actual case under consideration. In general the polarization of an electrode
decreases the greater the speed of the ion approaching it, the lower, the current
density, the higher the temperature and the greater the agitation.
(b) Chemical
polarization is believed to vary with (1) the velocity of ionization, (2)
the resistance to the transfer of the electric charge and (3) the nature
of the electron reaction.
Anodic Behavior. An anode may be
(1) completely soluble, (2) partially soluble or (3) entirely insoluble.
In no case under commercial
conditions will an anode
be entirely free from polarization. One that is completely soluble may upon
electrolysis be accompanied by both concentration and chemical polarization.
an anode that is partially soluble or entirely insoluble there may be both
concentration and chemical polarization and in addition a tendency for
a film
to form on the anode, making the solution of the metal still more difficult.
Passivity, as this tendency is called, may be (a) mechanical or (b) chemical,
in nature.
With mechanical passivity the film
upon the anode is usually visible as would be the case where green basic
nickel salt is formed, when a nickel
is alkaline. With chemical passivity there may be no visible film; a simple
of this can be given by dipping a piece of iron in concentrated nitric acid
and then in a copper sulphate solution. No copper is precipitated upon its
as would be the case were the acid dip omitted.
This behavior is believed
to be due to the formation of an invisible film of oxide by the nitric acid
which makes the iron behave like a more noble
Such a film is readily formed upon exposing nickel or chromium to the air.
The resulting passivity would cause the metal, if used as an electrode, to
abnormally, thus affecting the polarization.
Decomposition Voltage. The
lowest applied voltage that will initiate continuous electrolysis of a sulphuric
acid solution using platinum electrodes is roughly
the decomposition voltage of the solution. This has been shown to be about
17 volts. If the platinum anode is replaced with lead the decomposition voltage
would be greater than the above value. This effect is spoken of as over-voltage.
Over-voltage. Over-voltage
may occur at either anode or cathode. The oxygen over-voltage of a metal
is the voltage required to liberate oxygen at an
anode of the metal
in excess of the equilibrium value. Similarly the hydrogen over-voltage of
a petal is the voltage required to liberate hydrogen on a cathode of the
metal in excess of the equilibrium value.
The effect of over-voltage is to
increase the pressure drop at the electrode before gas evolution takes place,
so that it may be regarded in the same
sense as polarization. It will vary with (1) the electrode material being
high on
lead, a medium value on copper and a relatively low value on iron or steel.
The (2)
current density, (3) temperature and (4) time the current flows, all affect
the over-voltage.
Hydrogen over-voltage is of value
to chromium deposition. In order to deposit metal from a chromic acid bath
the chromic acid must
be reduced to metallic
chromium. The hydrogen available affects this reduction. Furthermore, the
higher the hydrogen
over-voltage of the cathode, the more readily will the reduction to metallic
chromium take place. It is for this reason that a surface of copper is easier
to cover with chromium than one of steel.
Oxygen over-voltage is also of exceptional
value in chromium deposition from a chromic acid solution Oxygen liberated
at the anode oxidizes chromic salt
to chromic acid, thus reducing the tendency for chromium dichromate to accumulate
in the plating bath. The higher the oxygen over-voltage of the anode the
more readily will the chromic salt be oxidized and the less tendency will
for it to accumulate. This is one reason that lead, which has an exceptionally
high oxygen over-voltage is favored as an anode material.
In all other plating
operations not requiring oxidation or reduction, over-voltage will merely
affect the polarization.
Polarization. Haring has
shown that solutions giving the ,greatest increase in cathode polarization
for a small increase in current density have the
best throwing power. In general solutions giving high cathode polarization
good throwing power. Advantage is taken of this fact in nickel plating zinc
or die
,castings, where the solutions most commonly employed have a low metal concentration
and sufficient conductivity to permit the use of high current densities.
Both of these factors increase cathode polarization.
The work of Blum and Rawdon,
Kohleschutler, and the author, has shown that the structure of electro-deposited
metal must be attributed to or accompanied
a change in cathode polarization. Recently Mr. George B. Hogaboom in his
lecture on ‘Crystal Structure of Metals’ has shown that the anode
can affect the character of the deposited metal. It is reasonable to conclude
that anything
affecting anode behavior such as anode polarization will under certain conditions
influence the effect of the anode upon the structure of the cathode. Polarization
at either electrode, therefore, may influence the character of the deposit.
has already been shown that the polarization at both electrodes represented
forty (40) per cent of the applied voltage shows this even more clearly in
the case of chromium deposition. The anode and cathode polarization, shaded
A and C respectively, increase rapidly as the current density is raised.
If depositions could be accomplished without this polarization, the voltage
would correspond
to the values between the two lines forming the area B. This would equal
the decomposition voltage of the bath plus the IR drop, the loss due to the
resistance of the solution. The higher cost of chromium plating, is largely
due to the polarization accompanying it.
While it is not possible to eliminate
polarization in the chromic acid plating bath, excessive chemical polarization
due to the formation of lead chromate
on lead anodes can be prevented. The best practice is to always keep the
current on while the anodes are in the solution. This is done by hanging
a dummy or
porous cup permanently from the cathode rod and by always removing the anodes
at night before shutting down the generator. In the morning the generator
should be started first and then the anodes, after scrubbing to remove the
acid to expose a fresh lead surface, should be hung in the solution. By so
doing, the maintenance of the chromium solution is improved and the possibility
of reversing
the field of the generator due to the back electromotive force sometimes
developed, is eliminated.
Any anode that polarizes excessively
will have a lower efficiency, the metal concentration of the solution will
thus decrease,
more frequent adjustment
of the solution composition will be required, a less uniform product will
be obtained
and more energy will be used in deposition.
All of these factors increase
the cost of production. A careful analysis must be made to determine to what
extent this is so, but if this paper serves
focus attention upon such an analysis its object will have been fulfilled.
By Kenneth E. Burgess, Zapon Lacquer
Co., Stamford, Conn.
I thought that you, being large users of lacquer, would be interested in
its derivation, the control of its manufacturing and the physical and
chemical nature of lacquer which determine its fundamental behavior.

and lacquer enamels consist essentially of five divisions: 1. Nitrocellulose;
2. solvents and diluents; 3. resins; 4. plasticizers; 5. pigments or dyes.
whether the most common nitro cellulose, is made by treating cotton linters
with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acid. The cotton linters
derived from the small fibers adhering to the cotton seed after the long
fiber has been
picked off by the cotton gin. The seeds are sent to the cotton seed mill
where these short fibers are shaved off by machines resembling a many bladed
The linters are delivered
in bales and are treated with a caustic solution to remove traces of oil
and woody fiber, and then with chlorine compounds
to bleach
them to whiteness.
Sulphuric acid is manufactured from
pure sulphur. The principal source of sulphur is the large sulphur beds around
the Gulf of Mexico. The
occurs in
deep lying beds and is mined in an ingenious manner by pumping superheated
steam down
to the bed’ and forcing the resultant liquid sulphur to the surface.
sulphur is run into large bins where it hardens and is afterwards broken
up for shipment, north. The sulphur is burned in a large rotary converter
the resultant sulphur dioxide purified through towers and asbestos-packed
columns. It is then forced over compartments containing platinum precipitated
on magnesium
sulphate. At high temperatures the platinum has the ability to cause the
sulphur dioxide to unite with additional oxygen, forming sulphur trioxide.
This sulphur
trioxide gas is then absorbed in weak sulphuric acid, bring the strength
of the resultant sulphuric acid up to ninety eight to 100% H2SO4.
The most
common source of nitric acid is from sodium nitrate or Chile salt peter.
This material occurs in the arid rainless regions of South America.
The material
is leached out, crystallized, and shipped north for consumption.
The most
common method is to treat a large amount of nitric with an equal amount of
sulphuric acid ninety-eight per cent, in a large cast iron retort.
is either oil or coal fired.
The nitric oxide vapors distill
off and are condensed either in chemical or glassware, or in the many acid-resisting
from alloy
systems. Nitric acid
delivered to
large tanks containing sulphuric, where it is thoroughly mixed with the sulphuric,
forming the mixed acid.
The nitrating of the cotton linters is a very exact chemical operation. The
temperature, time, total acidity of the acid, and the ratio of the nitric
to the sulphuric
must be accurately determined and maintained.
Recently there has been a great
advance in the manufacture of nitric-acid from the nitrogen of the air. The
nitrocotton is introduced in an agitated
tank holding about 1500 lbs. of acid to thirty-five pounds of cotton. It
is nitrated usually for about twenty-five minutes, and the average temperature
is 35° C.
After nitration the entire charge is dropped into a centrifugal where the
excess acid is extracted. The nitrated cotton is then dropped into a drowning
where the remaining acid is completely diluted so that no further action
takes place.
It is then transferred to large wooden tubs where repeated boilings break
down the unstable compounds and give a staple nitrocellulose. These boiling
are compounded in a larger blending tub to give a batch of uniform viscosity,
nitrogen, content, etc.
The nitrocotton is pumped from the
boiling tubs to a battery of centrifuges where the excess water is extracted.
Before its
use in lacquer, it is necessary
this water be removed. Drying the nitrocotton would affect this nicely but,
of course, this is extremely dangerous. The standard practice is to replace
water with alcohol and can be carried out either in a hydraulic press or
in an extraction tub. Hydraulic presses compress the water-wet cotton, forcing
a large portion of the water. While still under pressure, denatured alcohol
is pumped through the nitrocotton mass and the alcohol thoroughly displaces
A simpler method is to fill the
tub with the nitrocotton and run in alcohol until the whole mass is saturated
and a layer of perhaps two feet
of pure
alcohol above
the nitrocotton. The bottom drain is then opened and the liquid then run
off, carrying the water with it and leaving the nitrocotton wet with pure
The excess alcohol is once again extracted in the centrifuges. The nitrocotton
is now ready for delivery to the lacquer plant.
The simplest lacquer consists
of a nitrocotton dissolved in a solvent, which brings us to the second division.
The principal solvents are acetates of
the various alcohols. That is, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate and amyl acetate.
acetates are made by the action of acetic acid upon the corresponding alcohol,
process of which is either intermittent or continuous.
The usual acetic acid
is the calcium acetate derived by treating pyroligneous acid, obtained from
the distillation of hard wood with milk of lime. This
calcium acetate is acted on by sulphuric acid in the presence of the alcohol,
the addition of heat. The sulphuric acid liberates the acetic acid, which
unites the alcohol, forming the corresponding acetate. This acetate is further
for color and constant boiling range.
Other well known solvents are acetone
derived from wood products and methyl alcohol derived from the same source.
Recently a number of synthetic products
are finding
favor in lacquer manufacture.
In making lacquer, however, it is
not necessary to use 100% solvent, as twenty-five to fifty per cent solvent
is sufficient
to disperse the required nitrocotton.
Consequently known solvents or diluents are employed. These consist mainly
of the alcohols such as ethyl alcohol or butyl alcohol and the hydro carbon
such as benzol or toluol.
A lacquer made of nitrocotton and
solvent only gives a tough film but with small building power and comparatively
low adhesion.
In order to obtain additional
building power and additional gloss it is customary to make a mixed lacquer
adding solutions of certain resins to the nitrocotton lacquer. These resins
are in the main the common resins in varnish manufacture, such as copal,
Kauri, Damar,
and shellac. In addition there have been perfected recently, a large number
of synthetic resins having as their base, rosin glycerin phthatia anhydride.
are generally hardened residue from the sap of certain bushes or trees. Shellac,
however, has a rather interesting history being the exudation of
a certain type of insect, which feeds upon the sap of a tree in India The
in certain
seasons of the year feeds very rapidly and throws off this exudation in the
form of a hard crust This crust hardens to the trees, is broken up, washed,
and shipped to this country as the shellac of commerce.
Kauri and copal resins
are the exudation of prehistoric trees; this exudation having lain buried
in the ground for many thousands of years and is now mined
principally in Australia and New Zealand.
These various resins impart additional
body and building power without noticeably increasing the viscosity and gives
greater gloss and adhesion. For many purposes,
however, these reins for nitrocotton lacquers are too brittle and a plasticizer
is added as a softener. These plasticizers are usually of two types, one
a latent solvent with pyroxylin, and the other usually an oil type which
with the nitrocotton, giving additional flexibility. The principal ones in
use are Lindol and Dibutyl phthalate and in the oil class, Castor Oil.
making an enamel, pigments are ground in the lacquer to give covering power
and coloring There are three methods of grinding pigments, in a pebble
a Buhr mill and the steel roller mill. The pebble mill is a cylindrical steel
jacket lined on sides and ends with porcelain bricks and filled half full
of hard flint pebbles. The cylinder revolves on trunnions and the material
ground by the many contacts formed by the pebbles rolling against each other
and against
the porcelain sides. This method is particularly suited to lacquer as the
cylinder can be closed and there is no loss by evaporation.
The Buhr mill
operates by the grinding action of two stone mills revolving against each
other in counter directions. This method gives good fineness
but care must
be taken to prevent evaporation. Steel roller mills are similar to the Buhr
mills except that there are usually three steel rolls revolving each against
the other
in counter directions, and the material is the point of contact.
traced the flow sheet of lacquer it perhaps would be interesting to discuss
the physical, chemical, nature of the finished product.
When nitrocotton is added to a solvent, it rapidly disappears and it is only
natural curiosity to ask ourselves in what state the nitrocotton now exists.
We have seen it as a white fluffy material and now it has entirely disappeared,
leaving a clear colorless solution. Evidently nitrocotton has been dispersed
into particles too small to be visible to the eye. We at once wonder just
how small these particles are, and what is the ultimate size of which it
is possible
to conceive.
The smallest particle we can conceive
must have a front, back, top and bottom, and therefore be capable of further
division. The smallest
material unit
whose existence as separate entities thus far have been experimentally proven
the electrons, the individual particles of negative electricity which revolve
protons or individual particles of positive electricity which combined make
the atom. The combinations of atoms form the molecule and the combination
of molecules
form the various states of matter with which we are more readily familiar.
The size of protons and electrons are so small that it is difficult to conceive
It can best be expressed by Professor Millikans’ statement that the
number of electrons passing in a single second through an ordinary incandescent
is so great that it would take two and a half million people counting continuously
day and night at the rate of two a second about 20,000 years to complete
the task.
The atom is comparatively much larger
but still in the realms of the unseen, the size of an atom being 1/10 to
6/.0 of a millimicron; a millimicron
one-millionth of a millimeter. A molecule is 2/10 of five millimicrons.
smallest particle visible to the naked eye is about 20,000 millimicrons so
that you see between the size of a molecule and the visible particle there
an extremely wide range in size.
If you dissolve salt or your more
familiar nickel chloride you get a solution of certain definite physical
the principal one being its
electrical conductivity. This conductivity being due to the fact that the
dispersion of
the solid nickel chloride has gone so far that the particles are dispersed
to an atom or an ion size. On the other hand, a solution of sugar dissolved
in water
is not a good conductor of electricity because it has only been dispersed
to the molecular size.
These are the two general types
of dispersion and these dispersions have very definite characteristics dependent
mathematically upon
the amount of
dispersed in the solution. However, as we stated before, there is a wide
range in size of particles between the limit of visibility and the molecular
and it is in this range that the nitrocotton lacquer falls.
Nitrocotton dispersion
in solvent does not reach the molecular dispersion but remains in that space
mentioned before, and which has been given the
name of ‘colloidal’ state
of matter. Unfortunately colloidal state of matter is not as definite in
its characteristics as the other states, the principal difficulty being in
The viscosity of a nitrocotton dispersion is not at all dependent on the
amount of nitrocotton dispersed in solvent. A one ounce nitrocotton solution
may have
the same viscosity as a ten ounce provided the two nitrocottons have been
nitrated with this in mind.
As we stated before, the control
of the nitration of cotton must be very carefully maintained and it is this
function of viscosity
which is the main
reason. Formerly
it was impossible to make a nitrocotton solution with more than 8/10 ounce
of nitrocotton per gallon on account of excessive viscosity. Recently, however,-
by physical and chemical treatment nitrocotton is produced which will disperse
so readily that solutions of twenty to thirty ounces of nitrocotton are quite
feasible and common. This was the discovery that opened the automobile and
fields to lacquer.
The resins exhibit the same phenomenon,
although to a less extent, as the dispersion of the resin is undoubtedly
more complete than
that of the nitrocotton.
is this colloidal state of matter of lacquer that explains some of its interesting
phenomenon, the most striking of which is the tendency of lacquer to blush
in extremely humid weather. This is caused by the evaporation of the solvent
and diluent.
In passing from the liquid to the
vapor state they take up heat from the atmosphere immediately above the lacquer
film. The air therefore
chilled quickly
and if it contains any amount of water vapor this water vapor is permeated
into the still liquid lacquer film. Water does not have the power to disperse
not only that but it actually neutralizes the dispersing power of the solvent,
so that the nitrocotton particles instead of remaining dispersed rapidly
come together until as the size of the particles increase it becomes a
solid white
sheet and precipitates out from the lacquer film giving the whitish blush.
This, of course, can be prevented by a slower evaporating solvent which
does not take
the heat from the air so quickly but allows the air currents to keep air
above the lacquer film mixed with the drier air farther above it.”
By W. J. Schneider,
New York Branch
MR. W. J. SCHNEIDER: History. The
year 1928 is the 100th anniversary of the identification of cadmium as a
new metal by Hermann following its
in the previous
year by Strohmeyer as an impurity in zinc carbonate.
Occurrence. Several cadmium
minerals are known, but none occur in quantities large enough to be called
ores. The cadmium of commerce today is all derived
from zinc ores in which it occurs on the average to the extent of about one
part in 200.
Production Statistics. The
U. S. Geological Survey statistics show that in 1910 the U. S. produced 4,700
while Germany produced 97,500
lbs. of
cadmium. In 1917 these figures were: 217,000 lbs. in the U. S. and 172,000
lbs. in Germany.’ In
1926 the U. S. produced 810,000 lbs. and the world production was well over
a million pounds. Last year the Anaconda Copper Company alone produced approximately
377,000 lbs.
If all the cadmium were extracted
from the world’s zinc
production (about 1,000,000 short tons per year) a production of between
5,000,000 and
pounds of cadmium would be the result.
If the present rate of increase
in cadmium consumption continues it is evident that a shortage of this metal
can readily occur within the not distant future.
You platers will be interested
to know that you have been responsible for the rapid increase in cadmium
consumption. The plating industry now uses
well over
half of all the cadmium refined.
Refining. While formerly
cadmium was mostly refined by preferential reduction and fractional distillation
from zinc oxide
practically all of the American
production today is made electrolytically, giving us an unusually high purity
product (99.6— 99.8%
Cd) for our anodes.
In the electrolytic process the
cadmium is first recovered from the zinc sulphate solutions by precipitation
with zinc dust resulting
in a product
about 20-25% copper, 15-20% cadmium and 30% or more of zinc. This material
is then
leached with dilute sulphuric acid at about 60°C. When the zinc and cadmium
have been dissolved, the solution is filtered and the excess acid removed
with limestone. The cadmium is now precipitated chemically on sheet zinc,
off, rinsed and again dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid. Cadmium is recovered
from this solution electrolytically upon rotating aluminum cathodes using
insoluble (lead) anodes. This cadmium is subsequently melted under oil or
caustic soda
and cast into the sticks of commerce.
Utility of Cadmium Plate. Electrodeposited
cadmium when properly produced has a finish and lustre which gives the product
a most pleasing appearance.
plates equally well on cast iron, steel, brass, copper, solder or almost
any other metal.
The metal deposits rapidly and the bath plates deep recesses unusually well.
Cadmium holds its lustre about as well as nickel being superior to zinc in
this respect.
Electrodeposition. The
art of cadmium plating is quite an old one, having been patented in England
by Russell and
Woolrich in 1848. Commercially,
cadmium plating is still in its infancy since the industrial utilization
cadmium plating
has practically all occurred within the past decade.
One of the first of the
present-day workers to pioneer cadmium plating was Emmanuel Blasset, Jr.
(The Metal Industry, 9, 509, 1911.) This worker called
to the utility of cadmium plating and gave directions for its successful
commercial execution. His recommendations are as follows:
Cadmium Plating
Water ...............................................................................1
Potassium Cyanide.........................................................5
Cadmium Sulfate (converted to carbonate) ................2 ozs.
Temperature ...................................................................70° F
E. M. F ...........................................................................2
Anodes Pure ...........................................................Cadmium
Anode Surface ........................Somewhat less than
He notes that too large an anode
surface or too large a quantity of metal in solution will produce dull gray
For straight cadmium plating the
Blum & Hogaboom recommendations
given below are quite satisfactory:
Cadmium Oxide.............4.2
Sodium Cyanide .........10.0 ”
The use of addition agents is suggested
but none are specifically mentioned.
70 to about 100° F.
Cathode Current Density ................5 to 19 A/SF
The recent wide-spread utilization
of cadmium plate on automobile hardware, castors, washing-machine parts,
buckles and numerous other articles
has demonstrated
the value of depositing an alloy of cadmium containing a small amount of
mercury. These deposits are somewhat harder and finer grained. The control
of the bath
is simplified through the use of a cadmium-mercury anode which corrodes uniformly
and in just the correct amount to keep the bath properly replenished with
metal. With these anodes it has been found that the bath improves with use.
details of operation of the process are as follows:
Sodium Cyanide 96/98%........................7 to 10 oz./gal.
Cadmium Oxide ......................................3 oz./gal.
Caustic Soda or Caustic Potash ..........1 oz./gal.
Temperature............................................70 to 100° F.
Anodes ...................................................Cadmium-Mercury
Ratio of Anode to Cathode Surface.....2 to 1
E. M. F.....................................................4 to 5 volts
Cathode Current Density......................15 to 30 A/SF
Auxiliary steel anodes
may be used when desirable. The usual cyanide brighteners or addition agents
can be used when a bright finish must be produced. In
barrel plating the cadmium-mercury anodes furnish all the brightener required.
cadmium-mercury coatings have also been used with success for the production
of a rust-proof antique finish on iron. This finish is produced
by dipping the
cadmium plated article in a solution containing:
Platin-Nig............................1/4 to 1/2 oz./gal.
Muriatic Acid 20° Be..........4 oz./gal.
Temperature.......................Normal to 90° C.
The high lights are relieved and
the article is lacquered. Pigment lacquers may, if desired, be substituted
for the Platin-Nig
If there are any questions you wish
to ask, I shall be pleased to answer them. I did not consider it necessary
to display any samples. As I have stated,
are experiences which I found with the various people and firms who have
introduced cadmium from a practical point of view and I have tried to relate
them. I myself
have not been working as a practical man at the art. I though perhaps it
would be best to refrain from displaying any samples whatsoever. (Applause.)
MAX LUDWIG : (Chicago): I would like to know how much more rust-proof it
is than zinc.
MR. SCHNEIDER: That question can
be answered in two ways: in the presence of chlorine or salt it is effective
and practically superior
to a zinc coating,
but in the ordinary atmosphere, as, say, in the inland towns, experience
shown that zinc is equally as good, and much cheaper.
listening to your remarks about its becoming scarcer in time unless they
find some other way of getting cadmium out of zinc, I
understood cadmium was like the mother of zinc and there was only a certain
amount of
in a certain quantity of zinc product. The thought occurred that cadmium
being a nice white finish and only being about equal as a rust preventative,
to zinc,
and zinc having a funny color, a dark color, why you fellows who have research
work and do research work along that line, do not do something of that sort
and try to find why you can’t use a certain amount or proportion, the
way you find it, with zinc, so as to get a composite deposit and get a good
color and
a good rust-proof proposition by combining zinc and cadmium together in plating.
There may be a thought there which will come out. You would overcome the
evil of the scarcity, if you used the two properties together. Probably you
get a better rust-proof proposition and better color than you do now with
zinc alone.
MR. SCHNEIDER: That has been done,
but for some reason or other it is a very difficult thing unless it is under
chemical control. You are depositing
two metals, and while we have heard that some men were able to continue getting
an equalization of these deposits, you know, still it is quite a difficult
problem. It is not as easy as brass plating which also consists of alloying.
But research
along those lines is being done. And furthermore, in answer to your question,
we are trying to develop a zinc cyanide that would improve the color, but
we think zinc would be equally as good in rust resisting as cadmium, and,
harder than cadmium all one needs is for the men interested in the art to
develop some additional agent other than the metal to improve the color of
I would like to know what kind of oxidize is the best thing to stay on cadmium
plating so the color will not change.
MR. SCHNEIDER: The formula Platin-Nig
reduced with muriatic acid will not fade. You can dip it in there and you
get an entire nice black color which
can be
relieved the same as you would relieve oxidizing of copper and it will stay
without lacquer.
MR. GREENBLATT: YOU have the formula
MR. SCHNEIDER: Yes, I have it if
anybody wants it.
MR. J. R. KENNEDY (Springfield,
Mass.): There is a demand on the market for a black cadmium, I would like
to ask Mr. Schneider if a
formula he just mentioned
in connection with what this man has said, could be used for black cadmium
would be as hard as white cadmium.
MR. SCHNEIDER: It is quite hard.
What I mean to say is that I think the demand is for a high luster on black
and the minute it is dipped in this
dip it sort of gives that deader finish rather than a luster finish, but
you can
dip into this Platin-Nig and get a nice beautiful black on top of your cadmium.
KENNEDY: What I had in mind was something that would be R substitute for
something like Parkerizing.
MR. SCHNEIDER: Parkerizing, for
your information, is a green gray color when it comes from the solution and
then it is afterwards,
to bring up the blackness
of it, put through a dye in oil They use subsequent colors for that, but
there is a very god lacquer, that is a black lacquer which can be used either
a lustre or a dead finish, first using a binder that a large concern in New
York making telephone parts and electrical parts are using quite successfully.
has very good sticking qualities.
MR. KENNEDY: That means another
MR SCHNEIDER: YOU wanted it in one?
Oh, no, we haven’t done
anything along those lines. Perhaps some of you men who are research men
will develop
that you can get out of the solution. You mean black right in the cadmium.
PRESIDENT FEELEY: Any other questions
MR. JACOB HAY (Detroit): Did you
say a voltage of five there ?
MR. SCHNEIDER: Four or five.
HAY: Would you recommend that for plating barrels?
MR. SCHNEIDER: We recommend
as high as six.
MR. HAY: I find that you can go
as high as fifteen volts in order to get very good results. Now, the cyanide
content you mentioned there,
ten ounces.
that correct?
MR SCHNEIDER: Seven to ten ounces.
HAY: The cyanide content is correct but I believe that by using a higher
voltage you get better results in cadmium plating.
in barrel plating? Just to answer your question, there is a gentleman who
wrote an article in the Metal Industry this month and
his firm is doing tons and tons of automobile hardware, that is steel hardware
such as pull handles, etc., which are plated in the barrel at five to six
then fabricated afterwards, I mean bent, and the spring is put in for pulling.
They are having no difficulty with that voltage and getting excellent results.
It has been done in Connecticut every day now, almost two years.
I find that in plating springs, you will sometimes notice in cadmium plating,
if you go to the trouble that it is brittle. You get to the point
where the spring will break.
MR. SCHNEIDER: Is this a high carbon
spring you speak of ? (Assent.) Don’t
you think that is due to the excessive current you are using in there ?
HAY: It is not the current that is to blame for it. It all depends on the
kind of barrel you are using.
MR. SCHNEIDER: I can’t go
into the different plating barrels but I know some being used they found
by cutting down the
voltage on the high carbon
they did not run into that difficulty of getting it too brittle. I attribute
that to the high current that one uses.
MR. HAY: I don’t think the
high current has anything to do with it; we use as high as sixteen volts
in the
plating barrel.
MR. OSCAR SERVIS (Chicago): I think
you will overcome the brittleness of the spring tension, as Mr. Hay stated,
by pickling the spring
in muriatic
with an addition of bichromate of potash, and I don’t think you will
have any trouble no matter what voltage you use. It pacifies the strain.
SCHNEIDER: Men who have plated springs once in a while run into that difficulty
but the percentage of lad work is not so great.
MR. JORDAN (Springfield, Mass.):
Answering the gentleman about the high tension springs, we had the same complaint
in the Bosch Magneto Company. If they
have got to be pickled they must be pickled in the chloride, chloride of
potash. That removes the scale.
I would like to ask the gentleman
about cadmium barrels. What makes the residue on a cadmium barrel with the
cyanide, depositing
crystal on the barrel, the
metal depositing on the outside of the barrel. Is it in the solution ?
SCHNEIDER: It depends on the hook-up of the barrel itself. I think there
is a loose current going through there and you get a deposit on the metal
parts of the barrel.
MR. JORDAN: Yes, it crystallizes
on the outside of the barrel.
MR. SCHNEIDER: YOU mean in the same
way as a nickel solution of salts. You have to be careful for you will reduce
the metal very quickly.
How does cadmium act on prepared tar barrels?
MR. SCHNEIDER: There are a great
many barrels on the market that give no trouble whatsoever. Pitch and other
linings have a tendency to come away
from any cyanide
solution in time due to the current generated which gives a temperature around
100 or maybe 110 or something like that, and that will soften the pitch,
but they have barrels that are called laminated Bakelite that stand up pretty
There is a man who has been using a barrel now for eight months without any
trouble, and you can’t find any reduction of the wood, simply a cypress
wood barrel with a support on the sides of the barrel, the same as the spokes
of a wheel,
like wooden spokes, and he has no difficulty at all with this barrel. That
is doing overall buckles and other small things.
MR. WM. GRUND (Bloomington,
III.): Being with the Elite Corporation for nine years I will speak a few
words without advertising; I am with the Meadows
Now, in regard to that crystal construction
the gentleman speaks of, I deem that to be carbonating. There seems to be
a soft film on the outside
of the
I would say that crystal structure he finds on the inside of the tank, outside
of the barrel (you are speaking of the cylinder) is due to carbonates. There
is one way to get them out and that is to freeze them out at a temperature
down as low as thirty.
Now, so far as the pitch is concerned, there is no difference in plating
cadmium in a pitch lined tank or a steel tank or a wood tank. I have plated
in all
three for the last nine years. We have something like forty-three gallons
of cadmium
solution in the plant T work in now some are steel tanks some pitch lined
and some wood tanks. The only objection to the wood tank is that in the revolving
of the cylinder you pick up a lot of slush from the wood in time which stops
up the perforations in the cylinders. Otherwise, as far as any noticeable
effect of deposits are concerned, I can’t see any difference between
wood or steel or pitch lined tanks. I believe that is all I have to say.
LUDWIG: Does the solution work better hot or cold?
it better cold, blood temperature.
MR. JORDAN: I see in the brass working
industry where they were advertising to heat the cadmium. They claim they
have better results.
MR. SCHNEIDER: It is practically
a heated solution when it is working in the barrel; if you ever tested that
you would find it runs
up to 110 sometimes
or 115.
MR. WM H. SCHULTZ (Cleveland): We
have a big concern in Cleveland. They work night and day. I get in there
occasionally. They have regular coolers
their tank to keep it from getting hot. They absolutely refuse to let it
get hot. I think the hot question is out of order.
MR. GRUND: In my experiences
with cadmium plating, and 1 think they have been pretty broad as far as heating
the solution is concerned, I do not believe
there is an advantage unless you want to plate a certain thickness of coating;
it is hot or cold makes no difference as far as hardness of deposit is concerned.
The only advantage is casting, malleable iron or cast iron.
I will go back
a step to this man’s question regarding springs. Now,
that is the hydrogen part of it I suppose that will crystallize your springs.
We had
springs sandblasted and they break as easily where sandblasted as where pickled.
They way to get away from that is to heat the springs in an oven to a temperature
of 175 for about forty-five minutes and that gets away from it.
I cannot agree
with the gentleman. I am very, very sorry. I believe it is a misleading statement.
Because there isn’t a chance under at the very
least 300 degrees to get rid of the operation of hydrogen which creates the
trouble. I am sorry
to hear that statement, it is not true
MR. GRUND: In answer to that I would
say that it depends on the gauge of spring, that is whether it would be a
heavy spring or light one. If it is
a heavy spring
I would say 300 degrees might do the work more easily.
Ohio): I believe cadmium plated wire springs about the thickness of a lead
pencil lead can be plated in about an hour. We have no
trouble whatsoever
with springs breaking.
MR. J. E. NAGEL (Toledo, Ohio ):
This trouble they speak of, high carbon springs. Isn’t it true that
with any cyanide solution under certain conditions you would have that same
trouble on high
carbon springs, not only
cadmium but
zinc or any other solution that is plated out of cyanide on high carbon steel,
you will crack the springs under certain conditions, pickling or some other
condition; it is not the condition of the plating solution, it is pickling
We are manufacturing a lamp changer head which reaches high up and in between
the two there is a spring. It is a high tension spring, high carbon.
These are nickel plated and sometimes they become very rusty. They require
pickling than others. We find that when it takes a longer time to pickle
and when they are not heated properly after they are dry, that is during
the drying
operation after being plated, they break. Now, in other words, the longer
you keep them in muriatic acid, if you don’t take enough precaution
after they are plated, they are going to break. We have found that experience
our process.
MR. KENNEDY: One point has been
overlooked with regard to the hot and cold cadmium solution. It is a good
deal better to work the cadmium
solution cold
for this
reason, that you don’t have the deadly hydro-cyanic acid gas fumes
thrown off which are injurious to workmen; if you use a hot one you always
have that
MR. GREENBLATT: I had a lot of experience
with the springs. We are manufacturing show cases and I had a lot of trouble
with the springs. The
only way we found
to get away with it is sandblasting. We used to have a lot of trouble but
have started to sandblast and haven’t had ay trouble. We do lots of
MR. GRUND: I might say I don’t
have any trouble with carbonates at all. That might seem funny, but I think
if the men using cadmium here will
use about
a two-thirds area of steel in comparison with the cadmium anode you won’t
have trouble with crystallization of carbonates. I don’t know what
you are using, but regardless of what you use, if you try that, you will
find that
I am right. I have something like forty-three gallons out there and I believe
many of you men have been to my plant and if you could find one crystal in
that forty-three gallons of solution any time of year, it would be new to
me. I am
not speaking from the Ukalite Corporation standpoint any more for I don’t
work there. They use steel strap about an inch wide; in place of using that
I use a four-inch strap of about sixteen gauge steel and put those discs
on those,
which gives me about two-thirds more area in steel than in cadmium. I think
if you try using that you will get away from crystallization of carbonates
MR. RICHARDS: What about using the
steel containers of the anodes—did
you try that?
MR. GRUND: YOU do that when you
use the ball but don’t
get enough area.
that question to the floor, please ?
MR. RICHARDS: It is a question of
using the steel container of the anode as far as shape is concerned the whole
of the tank, and as to service
of insoluble
anode is concerned it couldn’t be larger. What about that?
If you are hooked up directly to the tank, if the anodes are insulated—(interrupted).
RICHARDS: YOU couldn’t be insulated.
MR. GRUND: I am telling you of
my success as I have it, I don’t know
how it would be the other way.
MR. SCHNEIDER: For your information,
gentlemen, we have long ago advocated a mixture of steel anodes with our
cadmium anodes.
Mr. Proctor was one of
the first
men who advocated the steel, and in connection with our alloyed anodes we
have never encountered some of the difficulties that have been brought up
here this
afternoon. I have never yet in any of the solutions I have observed witnessed
any excess of carbonates or crystals unless it is due, as I said-before,
to an excess of metal which reduces very readily from the anode and it is
correctly. Otherwise you will never run into the difficulty.
Our first paper this morning gentlemen and ladies of the Educational Session
is a paper on Cadmium versus Zinc, and I would ask Mr.
Hogaboom to kindly
read the paper to you.
MR. HOGABOOM: ”Cadmium and
zinc are, as you know, both extensively used for the protection of iron and
steel against corrosion.
Cadmium and
zinc greatly
resemble each other, therefore solutions and operating conditions now in
use for deposition these metals are very similar. In at least one respect
has the advantage over cadmium, it is cheaper than cadmium.
In presenting
this paper on the above subject, I will just consider the type of solutions
for plating these metals, now in use at our plant. The results
obtained by us with respect to loth cost and production will enable you to
judge which
of the two metals is the most economical to use and which will give the maximum
protection to iron or steel.
Recently we cadmium plated 78,000
bolts and nuts for a large concern to be used in connection with an oil refinery
on the
east coast of Canada. The
following are the particulars of the operations and costs: thickness of deposit,
capacity of tank, 300 gallons; weight of each load, 50 lbs.; current density
(approx.) 20 amperes per sq. ft; time to plating, 15 minutes; numbers of
loads per nine hours, thirty-four; weight of bolts and nuts plated each nine
1700 lbs.; price obtained per 100 lbs., $2.75; earnings per nine-hour day,
labor per nine-hour day, $5.40; total earnings per nine hours, $41.35.
A short
time previous to the above we ran a similar order for another concern, but
the specifications read electro-galvanize. The following are the particulars
of operation and costs: thickness of deposit, .0004 in.; capacity of tank,
300 gallons; weight of each load, 50 lbs.; current density (approx.) 20 amperes
sq. ft.; time of plating, 40 minutes; number of loads per nine hours, thirteen;
total weight plated per nine hours, 650 lbs.; price per 100 lbs., $?50; earnings
per nine-hour day, $16.25; labor costs per line-hour day, $5.40; total earnings
per nine hours, $12.85.
The total weight of each job was
approximately 4,000 lbs. The cadmium plating job was completed in twenty-two
hours at a cost
of $13.50 for labor; the
zinc plating job was completed in fifty-five hours at a cost of $31 for labor.
price obtained for the cadmium job, $110, labor $13.50, net $96.50; the price
obtained for the zinc job, $100, labor $31, net $69.00, showing an advantage
for Cd of $27.50.
But when you come to consider that
the cadmium plating equipment solutions and anodes cost about ten times that
of the zinc plating equipment
it cuts
down the
advantage gained in depositing the cadmium faster. The type of zinc solution
used by us is of the cheapest kind and the anodes cost only 11/ cents per
lb. At the time we installed the cadmium plating equipment cadmium anodes
for around eighty cents per pound The zinc solution is practically self-sustaining,
while the cadmium solution requires an addition of sodium cyanide (2 lbs.
per 300 gallons of solution daily) when in constant use. Of the two metals
much harder, it is also more difficult to finish with a lustrous surface.
The throwing power of cadmium solution is very good, that of zinc solution
is poor.
The protective value of cadmium is very high as is also the protective
value of zinc. Both metals lose much of their protective values when nickel
copper is deposited over them on an iron or steel base. This we have proved
by many
tests and in actual service on automobile parts such as shells and bumpers
Cadmium can be plated over with almost any metal without difficulty, zinc
is more difficult
to plate over except in special solutions. Having no salt spray equipment
we use two methods which are as near to the treatment the plated products
likely to be subjected to as we know of.
The first method is to immerse the
parts in sea water for nine hours, then removes them for seventeen hours and
repeat until the deposit breaks down.
It is really
surprising the amount of immersion that cadmium plated ship spikes will stand,
we have some that have been subjected to the above treatment since January
18, 1928, and still show no signs of breaking down.
The second test is an
atmospheric test which consists of hanging the parts to be treated out in
the weather, touching nothing. These parts are inspected
day and a record of conditions is kept. I might add at this point that we
are located directly on the eastern sea shore of Canada and at times have
sea fogs or mists that are full of sea salt and extend along the coast, and
for a distance of forty miles. The result of these sea fogs you can readily
imagine. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that ordinary wire used on
chicken runs,
etc., lasts only about six months, and I have picked off large pieces of
rust about one-eighth inch thick for stay rods that were not protected by
or plating. Ordinary shingle nails simply dissolve in this air and consequently
the builders use zinc or cadmium plated nails, or copper nails. Ship builders
are using cadmium plated ship spikes instead of copper spikes as formerly
The demand for protection against the great enemy, rust, is very general,
the field is distinct and large.
Most of the work we do in the line
of ships hardware and fittings drift bolts for piers and harbor work, bolts,
nuts, rivets
and washers, railroad spikes,
hinges, pulley blocks and nails; are plated with cadmium which has almost
entirely eliminated zinc from the plating industries of the Province of Nova
and it is giving the greatest satisfaction.
Sea water tests on cadmium and
zinc deposits reveal the inferiority of zinc as follows: