Historical Articles
February, 1953 issue of Plating
The several illustrations
presented on these pages offer practical examples of the importance of lighting
to metal finishing plants in their daily operations.
The views of general lighting
for high and low bay areas provide a basic reference for all industry. Most
of the nations manufacturing plants are dependent upon lighting, vitally
to some degree, for all or part of their production processes. By and large,
this need begins with a range of seeing tasks and the individual eyesight of
a group of workers doing related jobs. A general level of illumination is sought
which will take care of individual eyesight demands for the various ranges of
tasks. To the extent this basic overhead lighting is well planned and maintained,
a key factor for efficiency and safety is adequately provided. The wisdom of
having general lighting of this character would seem to be self evident. Nevertheless,
it is the exceptional plant that has such lighting and regularly maintains it.
Specialized seeing tasks
are represented by the several examples of work that must be inspected visually.
As the examples indicate in the caption descriptions the light needed for these
tasks is usually at levels much higher than for general lighting. Besides the:
extra quantity required, the task may demand that the lighting be directional
or diffuse or of a particular spectral quality, such as the black light inspection
Radiant energy has also
been used for several years in one aspect of metal finishing which involves
no seeing. Infrared drying, now widely established, has greatly reduced the
time needed for finishing painted metal surfaces. It takes a certain amount
of lamps to do a specific drying job. No manufacturer using this process neglects
to use the number needed. Not if he wants the full benefit of the process. All
lighting problems deserve such consideration.
Another lighting application
is represented by an example of a type of lamp useful for indicator service
such as in circuits controlling generators, exhaust blowers and the like.
Also represented is the
field of applications for ultraviolet type of lighting which is now finding
a wider use industrially. Germicidal, ozone producing and sun tanning lamps
fall into this classification of mercury vapor lamps which are designed so that
they emit radiations of selected wave lengths of ultraviolet energy to produce
the desired effect.
Since the lighting requirements
of each plant do vary, there is indicated, for those who desire more detailed
data, the need for reference to a recognized source of information. The American
Standards Association has recently issued a revised American Standard Practice
for Industrial Lighting (August 22, 1952) under the sponsorship of the Illuminating
Engineering Society. The publication represents the lighting experiences of
numerous organizations and, undeniably, is one that is a valuable addition to
the files of metal finishing plants, both large and small.
Acknowledgment is hereby
made to the General Electric Company and the Westinghouse Electric Corporation
for their contributions of photographs and data in this presentation.
two views were taken in the plant of an instrument manufacturer. Because
operations involve handling of polished metal, quality illumination is especially
valuable. The machine room area is 20 by 60 feet with an 8 foot ceiling.
Four continuous rows of fluorescent fixtures are used to provide 60 foot
candles. The units are louvered and designed to direct a portion of the
light to the white ceiling. Louvered shielding softens the effect of direct
lighting and minimizes annoying reflected glare from metal surfaces. The
upward component of the illumination prevents sharp contrasts of light and
dark areas on the ceiling and adds a further diffuse effect to the
balanced quality of the general illumination |
The overall
effect of light in the high bay area emphasizes the part played by the upward
component. Three rows of fluorescent luvered units are used. About 45 foot
candles average is delivered on the work |
Arsenals Engineering Building uses J-H1 color corrected fluorescent
mercury vapor lamps. Mounted at 25 feet in aluminum high bay fixtures over
the machine shop, these lamps provide bright, safe working illumination
for operators of sheet metal cutters, etc. |
Two types
of mercury vapor lamps are shown in close up, with a color-corrected J-HI
fluorescent type being inserted into the fixture as a replacement for one
of the A-HI type. Both lamps draw 400 watts and operate from the same type
of indoor ballast. The J-HI provides 20 per cent more light with greatly
improved color quality |
This is
representative of a technique of inspection for surface irregularities.
The light is controlled so that it hits the surface at a grazing angle causing
the defects to stand out. Here zinc sheet is inspected. The installation
uses eight 150-watt R-40 reflector spot lamps mounted on 6-inch centers.
The lamps are on an adjustable mounting so that the best angle can be set.
The same general technique works well in the inspection of many surface
plate must be inspected to see if it covers completely and is well polished.
This must be done by detecting differences in color and specularity. Because
the material is so shiny, it is difficult to get enough light comfortably
to see the defects. The problem is solved by using a unit that has a large
area and uniform, fairly low brightness. Although reflections of this source
are seen in the material, they are uniform and low enough in brightness
so that they are not distracting. The fixture in the photograph was made
by bolting two rows of three industrial units each, side by side, and covering
the bottoms with tracing vellum between two pieces of glass. Each unit contains
two 85-watt fluorescent lamps. This fixture provides an illumination of
about 85 foot candles which enables the inspector to see the defects easily |
of portably mounted 250-watt infrared lamps (about 56 on either side) complete
drying of enamel on water softener cases in a few minutes while the cases
progress through the operation on the conveyor |
A car
body presents a large complex surface, but the size and area of the drying
oven permits its heat to reach every spot thoroughly on the ride through.
This process, much improved since it was first introduced in the middle
thirties, has produced a substantial economy in the automobile industry.
Techniques for a greater variety of metal finishing operations have been
widely adopted. |