Historical Articles
July, 1953 issue of Plating
Polarographic Determination of Zinc
in Alkaline Zinc Plating Solutions
Rafael Diaz and E.H. Lindemann,
Chemical Laboratory Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator
Company, Minneapolis, MN.
The following paper is the third
in its particular field published in the pages of this journal within recent
months. The accuracy
obtained by the
authors with
the use of the technique compares favorably with that obtained through
use of volumetric methods.
An analytical control method employing the polarographic is described for
the analysis of zinc in zinc plating solutions. It is based on the fact
that zinc
produces a well defined wave, proportional to its concentration, in solutions
containing an excess of alkali chloride. The interferences are few and
not commonly encountered in zinc plating solutions but, if present, could
easily be eliminated by the proper choice of supporting electrolyte or
by a simple chemical separation. The polarographic determination also has
the advantage that, if desired, certain metallic impurities present such
as copper and lead
may also be estimated provided they are reducible at the dropping mercury
electrode in the medium used as supporting electrolyte and provided they
give a well-defined
wave suitable for measurement and proportional to the ion concentration.
to Kolthoff and Linganel, zinc produces a well-defined wave in
solutions of alkali chlorides as supporting electrolyte. The wave shows
a small maximum which is easily suppressed by the common maximum suppressors.
In 1N potassium
chloride E1/2 = 1.022 volts vs. the S. C. E. (Saturated Calomel Electrode).
The reduction is reversible in this medium and the diffusion current
is directly
proportional to the concentration over a wide concentration range.
In the authors’ procedure, hydrochloric acid is added to destroy
the cyanide and carbonate present suppress the maximum, gelatin is
used in a final concentration
of 0.005 percent. Whether a smaller concentration of gelatin is equally
effective in suppress the maximum was not investigated.
Common impurities
of zinc plating baths like copper and lead do not interfere with
the determination because they are reduced at much more
potentials than zinc. It should be possible, by running a complete
polarogram (over
the range of –0.0 to –1.0 volts of applied potential),
to estimate these impurities. The polarographic detection and estimation
metal impurities
in zinc
and other plating baths will be investigated in the future.
nickel and cobalt are the only elements which might interfere directly
with the development of the zinc wave in the medium used,
because of their
reductions at potentials close to that of the zinc. Chromium gives
a wave at 0.88 volts
(S. C. E.) and may interfere if present in a relatively large amount;
nickel and cobalt will interfere seriously because their waves
are very close
to that of zinc. The elimination of any interferences due to chromium,
or cobalt
may possibly be dealt with by the proper choice of supporting electrolyte
or by a preliminary chemical separation. In the case of zinc plating
solutions the
amount of the above metals which might be present as impurities
would be so small as-to cause no effects on the development of the zinc
A typical polarogram of an alkaline
zinc plating solution is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Typical Polarograph of an Alkaline Zinc Plating solution. |
Conc. of Zinc, oz/gal |
Diffusion Current,
amperes (corrected) |
of Diffusion Current to Concentration |
0.00 |
— |
— |
1.34 |
0.997 |
0.745 |
2.67 |
2.207 |
0.826 |
4.01 |
3.397 |
0.848 |
5.34 |
4.460 |
0.836 |
0.814 ± 0.034 |
*Alkaline zinc
plating solutions of various concentrations of zinc ion in 2M potassium
chloride and gelatin as directed by the procedure. Air is removed from
the solutions by bubbling nitrogen through the cell for 12 minutes. t
= 3.70 sec.; m2/3 t1/6 = 1.785 mg.2/3 sec.1/2.
Diffusion currents measured at a potential of –1.040 volts with respect
to the saturated calomel
electrode. |
chloride solution, 2 molar
Gelatin solution, 1.0 percent
Mercury, purified, for use in the dropping electrode
Electrolysis cell, H type, external electrode
Sargent, Model III manual polarograph
Zinc plating solutions
for the calibration of the capillary were prepared in the laboratory from
standard analytical
reagents. It was desirable
to establish
a comparison between the ferrocyanide method and the
polarographic method of analysis for alkaline-zinc plating solutions.
If a
synthetic plating
solution is used for calibration by weighing the appropriate
amounts of all the components,
the calculated value may be taken as a ”certified” value
so that both methods (ferrocyanide and polarographic)
may be compared to it. It should
be realized that the main errors involved in using this
synthetic zinc solution would be those of weighing the
zinc salt in
an analytical balance and dissolving
all the components of the plating solution to a definite
volume in a calibrated volumetric vessel. They are, no
doubt, much less than those involved in using a regular
zinc plating solution and analyzing it by some other
method (for zinc content) so as to give
a ”certified” or assigned value.
Fig. 2. Calibration curve for Zinc in alkaline zinc plating solutions.
Data from Table 1. |
A calibration curve was prepared by polarographing the
synthetic zinc plating solutions of known concentration
according to
the procedure described for
the analysis of the samples. Table I shows the data
regarding the calibration
these are plotted in the form of a calibration curve
in Fig. 2.
Amount found in oz/gal |
Solution No. |
Amount added, oz/gal |
Volumetric Method with Diphenylamine |
Polarographic Method |
1 |
1.50 |
1.45 |
1.43 |
2 |
6.00 |
5.87 |
6.05 |
3 |
4.50 |
4.43 |
4.56 |
Zinc Plating Solution
Pipette 1.0 ml of the sample and transfer it to a
tall 100 ml beaker. Add 1 ml of concentrated hydrochloric
acid (HOOD)
to incipient dryness.
Dissolve the residue in distilled water and transfer
to a 500 ml volumetric flask, adding 5 ml of a
1 per
cent gelatin solution.
Cool and dilute
water to the
Transfer 25.0 ml of the solution
from the volumetric into a 50 ml volumetric flask and add 2N potassium
chloride solution to
the mark.
After mixing,
record the polarogram of an aliquot portion between
–0.6 and –1.3
volts of applied potential against the saturated
calomel electrode.
The concentration of zinc,
usually expressed in ounces per gallon, is
found by comparison
of the
of the wave
obtained with
the previously
curve. All wave heights were measured by the
extrapolation method described by Kolthoff
and Lingane2. The,
direct method of polarographing
supporting electrolyte
alone and then correcting for its residual
current would, of course, be the best, but since this
extrapolation method proves
to be satisfactory
and less
(an important factor in routine analysis),
it was used in all of the authors’ measurements.
Zinc added, oz/gal |
Diffusion current in Microamperes (corrected) |
2.67 |
2.192 |
2.67 |
2.181 |
2.67 |
2.248 |
= 2.207 |
The results of some synthetic mixtures are
shown in Table II, in comparison with the
ordinary volumetric method
diphenylamine as internal
indicator. They
indicate that the concentration of zinc can
determined by this
method to within ±5
per cent which is suitable for routine control.
This is about the same accuracy obtained
in the authors’ laboratory by using
volumetric methods.
The temperature of the
electrolysis cell was controlled by a water
bath at 25° ± 0.2° C.
diffusion current was measured at a potential
of –1.040 volts (S. C.
E.). The reason for measuring the diffusion
current at –1.040 volts is
that the authors’ values of E1/2
came out to be –1.040 (vs. S.C.E.)
instead of –1.022 volts as given
in the literature. This discrepancy may
caused by such factors as a
high cell resistance in the calomel electrode
used for reference or less probably by
using a potassium chloride solution of
higher concentration than was
intended. It should be mentioned, however,
the measurement of the diffusion current
does not have to be made at the half-wave
potential; on the contrary,
of the diffusion current step at a
potential when the diffusion current
is fully developed are usually more reliable.
As regards the precision of the measurements,
Table III shows the values of the diffusion
current step
with a synthetic
alkaline zinc
plating solution
of 2.67 ounces per gallon of metallic
zinc. From the results in
Table III and the calibration chart
prepared for the method, it can be
calculated that the
error in the precision is never over
2 percent for the three runs analyzed.
1. Kolthoff and Lingane, ”Polarography”, Interscience
Publishers, New York, 1st Edition (1941).
2. Ibid, p. 57.