Are there any questions you would like to ask Mr. Farber?
MR. J. HAY: I would like to ask the speaker if,
when he made those tests, he cleaned the parts before plating or if they
were done without
MR. FARBER: They were all cleaned by the use of an electrolytic
cleaner, that is, an alkaline cleaner.
MR. HAY: I will ask another question.
Has the gentleman found the electric current used in electric cleaning
before chromium plating has any effect
on throwing power of a chromium solution.
MR. FARBER: No measurements
of this kind were made, as far as I know. Probably in cast iron the effect
would be negligible
Any other questions?
DR. BLUM: Just perhaps
to start some more discussion, I want to call attention to the relation
between this covering power test, these specimens
around, and the results which Mr. Pinner reported this afternoon. I
think it is an interesting development, we hope in the right direction,
that we find that last year, Mr. Sizelove reported the fact that he
had used
the bent cathode for comparing the throwing power of different solutions,
and incidentally he reported that the low sulphate gave the better
throwing power. Then, Professor Baker and Mr. lnner, quite independently,
the bent cathode test under certain conditions, and used it to study
and thereby
to define, the best conditions of, or get the best throwing power.
we, of course, made use of all the information they had obtained, and
what has been done in these experiments is to attempt to standardize
bent cathode test, because of course, if you hang a bent cathode in
a beaker and you don’t have it in exactly the same position in
the beaker, or the beaker is a little bit better one time than the
other, or the anode
is a different size, you can’t expect to get just exactly the
same degree of covering.
Another thing, as
I called attention to this afternoon in those experiments of Dr. Baker
and Mr.
Pinner, they used
conditions under which the cathode
could be completely covered rather easily; in other words, they would
have a rather wide range of sulphate ratio, ‘or other conditions,
in which it would be completely covered. Now we deliberately chose
the conditions,
putting the bent cathode in this box so as to fix it absolutely in
position at a certain distance away from the anode so we are sure we
get reproducible
results, and we chose the size and position of the cathode so that
it would be almost impossible to plate into the corner. In other words,
you have
to get the best throwing power shown in those cards, the amount is
or —14 per cent, and with that it is not quite plated into the
Now you see that
is better than if the cathode plates in the corner with say a—50 per cent throwing power, because when it
once plates in the corner, you can’t tell how much better than
that it is, and that is the criticism I made, of course in a friendly
spirit, of the specimens
that were passed around this afternoon, that you couldn’t distinguish
after it once covered as to, whether one was better than another.
the value of this, I think, is shown in this way. A lot of work’ and
a lot of trouble is involved to make actual throwing power measurements
the way Mr. Farber did in this long investigation, to actually weigh
the plates before and after and measure the currents exactly and measure
cathode efficiencies. That is a lot of trouble. It was worth while
in order to get definite figures. Now, having gotten those figures
and compared
them with what we got with the bent cathodes, then if you will carry
the bent cathode test out in exactly the same way as it was carried
out here,
all you have to do is look at the bent cathode and say, ”That
is a—50 per cent throwing power,” or ”That is a —75
per cent or—25 per cent throwing power.” In other words,
this bent cathode test becomes as nearly as you can judge by looking
at it,
an actual measure of the throwing power of the solution. So it is interesting
to know that that was one of the very last things that we did in this
investigation; in other words, Mr. Farber had gotten his results on
throwing power—we
felt that they were right, but we didn’t know whether you would
believe it or not, and so we made up all these bent cathodes just to
prove, first
to ourselves, and then to you people, that these results on throwing
power actually’ mean what they say, because that bent cathode
certainly represents a typical, even though a simple, case of plating
any irregularly
shaped article. So I felt it was worth while emphasizing because it
means a new tool in the hands of the plater—A bent cathode test,
standardized quantitatively so it actually gives you practically a
method of determining
throwing power.
MR. J. HAY: Mr. Chairman, I would like, if time would
allow, just to illustrate how cleaning affects the throwing power of
a chromium solution,
of the composition of the chromium bath. If you will allow me, I would
like to illustrate on the blackboard
(Draws diagram of electric cleaner,
as follows:)

For instance, this
is our tank. (I am’ talking about
cleaning strictly, now, gentlemen. ) We have a conveyor, and we are operating
this cleaner
at 7 volts. An alkali cleaner, using the tank-as the anode and the
conveyor and head lamps as your cathode. Now through the current passing
one of those head lamps (at top of conveyor) to the other one (directly
the effect is, through, I believe, arcing through the screw holes,
that it turns the metal there electro-positive from electro-negative,
then this part (indicating outside of lamp around screw hole) will
not plate.
DR. BLUM: What are
they .7—Steel
MR. HAY: They are
brass. I don’t
know exactly what happens, although it was explained to me once.
Now in
order to eliminate that, we changed the position of the head lamps and
faced them the other way (indicating a half turn of the articles)
and we have obtained good throwing power, plating them 100 per cent.
BLUM: Well, in your electrolytic cleaner, Mr. Hay, it is possible those
parts were shielded so that you got very little current there,
so that
you are doing very little electrolytic cleaning on that part.
I was under the same impression, and changed the head lamps so they were
exactly opposite to the way they were at first, but the
thing held true.
MR. HOGABOOM: In the work that Mr. Farber has done
in the throwing power box, does he have the same condition as would be
had in a plating
In the paper that was read this afternoon, written by Mr. Rowe, he
states that he gets his best results by having an anode ratio of 3
to 1 of the
cathode. If you are attempting to get throwing power with that ratio
of anode to cathode, and then you attempt to measure throwing power
with a
throwing power box, are you getting results that will be reproducible
in commercial practice?
Then, again, in his results, where he- gives
a definite voltage, the voltage used is materially affected by the relation
of the anode to
the cathode.
Now, if we plot volts like this, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1 (drawing on blackboard),
and we plot here anode area ratio to cathode, and have here 4, /2,
3/4, 1 and 2, the result will be this: Draws as follows:

If you have
one-quarter of your anode to your cathode to get a given current density,
say 150 amperes per square foot, and having a solution
of 250
grams of chromic acid per liter, you will have to use about 6 volts,
but if you have it here (marks on curve) why you will only have to
use probably
about 36 to 3.8 volts. So that the relation of the anode to the cathode
has a material effect upon the voltage, and when we use anything like
that throwing power box, and then compare it with the actual conditions
it is known that you get a better plating condition by having a ratio
of say 3 to 1, then is that reproducible.
DR. BLUM: Mr. Hogaboom
thought things were getting entirely too tame around here; there wasn’t any argument. I am going to take the
liberty of speaking for Mr. Farber; perhaps I can cover it more rapidly.
The first
question that was asked was regarding the relation of the anode and
cathode areas in the box with respect to throwing power. Now the thing
that we
want to emphasize, and I an, very glad that it has been brought out
in the discussion, is that these measurements of throwing power are
comparative measurements. In other words, they do not tell you what
the throwing power will be on any object plated in any position, in
the plating
tank, but they simply tell you that if you have one condition in the
plating tank, with a given article, and you change that condition in
a certain
direction, whether you change the temperature, current density, sulphate
ratio or anything else, that you will change the throwing power in
a certain direction, and of a certain magnitude. In other words, these
of the shape and size of the anode and cathode are all taken care of
in the primary ratio, that is, they determine whether your current
is more
or less uniform over the article that you are plating. We have adopted
arbitrarily here in all of these figures, a ratio of 2 to 1. Now that
2 to 1 we use because it is a ratio that can be rather easily obtained,
as a matter of fact you can’t get, if you use a ratio much larger
than that, like 5 to 1—it will be only a very few sets of conditions
in chromium plating that you can get a deposit both on the high and
low current density. So that with respect both to the relative size
of the
anode and cathode and to the values given for voltage it should be
distinctly understood (and of course that is the difficulty in a summary
like this,
you can’t go into detail), that these voltages only apply to
that box. But the point is this: that if in one case the voltage in
the box
is 5 volts and in another case it is 6 volts, then you can be perfectly
sure that if you have a tank—I don’t care what size it
is, or what; shape the anode or cathode is, or the size at all—that
in one condition it is going to take a greater voltage than in the
other condition.
In other words, we don’t want you to think for an instant that
because this table says it used 6.4 volts, that it is going to take you
6.4 volts
to plate a certain thing. You might do it at 3 volts or you might do
it at 10, depending entirely on the position and shape and size of your
and that is one of the reasons that in this outline we emphasized the
fact, and that was brought out very splendidly in that paper of Mr. Rowe’s
this afternoon, of which I only heard a part, that the biggest problem
in chromium plating is the mechanical ingenuity to get the current
where you want it.
Now that has nothing to do with throwing power as
we have defined it. In other words, that is getting the best you can
first in current distribution.
Then we tell you afterwards, after you have done that, how you can
get the best throwing power for a given current distribution. I think
answers the question.
MR. HAY: I would like to say that Dr. Blum hit
the nail right on the head when he said that. I just want to tell the
boys here tonight
it is
very important to watch all the conditions before you get to the
chromium bath, because the chromium bath itself is not as peculiar
as most of
you think it is, but the conditions of the operations before you
get there
are more important and have more to do with it than the chromium bath
(Presented to the Detroit Branch,
A. E. S., Oct. 5, 1929)
Since the advent of chromium
plating, the plating profession has become aware that any information
which increased the
efficiency and quality
of a plating bath was important. With the use of scientific data, plating
shops have speeded up production and improved the appearance of their
Likewise, the buyers of plated goods have realized that a noticeable
difference exists between the best plated ware and the ordinary or poor
goods, and
they have set about to draw up specifications as to the amount of plate
they desired and as to the corrosion resistance of the plated articles
they were buying. Guesswork fails in gauging the thickness of a plate,
but the importance of knowing the thickness is evident since the acceptance
of a shipment of work may depend on meeting thickness specifications.
of the thickness of metal plated enables a plater to test the efficiency
of his bath, and also to determine the limits of the working
of a bath which should be wide.
Faraday’s Law states
that the amount of a metal deposited is directly proportional to the
passing through a solution, that is, double
the amount of current should double the amount of deposited metal.
By means of this law, the table of electrochemical equivalents has
which gives the amount of any metal deposited by one ampere of current
flowing for one second. Such tables have now been elaborated to include
such information as grams and ounces or pounds of metal per ampere
hour. All such data is based on 100 per cent efficiency.
The terms
frequently used in specifications are ounces per square foot, thickness
in fractions of an inch, and ampere minutes of plate
square foot. The first two are not puzzling; the last term signifies
the equivalent
of the metal deposited in terms of the current used and the length
of time plated, in other words, the amperes multiplied by the minutes
flow. Thus, 200 ampere minutes can mean 10 amperes for 20 minutes,
or 20 amperes for 10 minutes.
Should a square foot of metal
cathode be carefully weighed and its thickness measured before plating,
the current and time
of plating
noted, followed
by reweighing and re-measuring the thickness, there would be
possessed all the factors for determin-ing the weight of plated metal
fraction of an inch thick per square foot of surface, and also
the data for
calculating the efficiency of the bath and the ampere minutes
of metal plated. In
many instances, such determinations are made in laboratories
to establish the
weight of metal per 0.001 in. per square foot of surface. However,
without much time or trouble expended, such a relation can be
calculated from
data on the metallic elements already acquired and found in scientific
Using the data on the metal
chromium, the above relationship can be calculated as follows. The
specific gravity of chromium
is 6.92,
is, it is
6.92 times as heavy as water, which weighs 62.34 pounds per
cubic foot. A simple
multiplication gives the weight of chromium as 431.43 pounds
per cubic foot. To simplify the calculation one must imagine
a cube
one foot
square on all sides and one foot high. The base is equal to
one square foot
and by dividing the above weight by 12, the weight of a mass
one inch high
and one foot square is obtained, which is 35.95 pounds. To
obtain the weight of one square foot of metal 0.001 in. high, 35.95
is divided by 1000, resulting
in 0.03595 pounds of chromium per .001 in. per square foot
area, or 0.575 ounces per .001 in. per square foot. By experiment
calculation, the above relationship can be secured for any
The actual determination of
the thickness of plate on a production sample is accomplished either
by direct measurement or by chemical
It is fairly easy to produce a non-adherent plate, which
can be stripped from
the base metal and measured with a micrometer, and a piece
of definite size weighed.
To produce non-adherent plate on colored brass or copper,
dip the test piece in chromic acid before nickel plating.
On die
dip the
piece in the cleaning tank, followed by a quick rinse before
plating; an alkaline
film is left on the casting which produced a non-adherent
film of plat, and which is easily loosened from the base
metal by
reversing the current
on the sample in a cleaning tank. Oxidizing dips on copper
and brass
and possibly on steel, will produce subsequent non-adherent
plates. Tincture of iodine will serve in silver plating.
Also one can
buy solutions for
such a purpose in the market. The production of non-adherent
coats of chromium,
cadmium, copper and zinc plates is not so general, and most
usually the determination of the thickness of these metals
is a laboratory
To determine the thickness
of plate by analysis, a piece is cut from the sample submitted and
its area carefully measured.
plated with
Nickel and Copper, the thickness of all three can be obtained
from one sample. The plated section is placed in a beaker
with concentrated
sulphuric acid. The dissolving of the Chromium begins at
once and with the addition of a very small amount of water,
Chromium is dissolved
off completely, leaving the nickel untouched. The sample
is washed and allowed to dry, and placed in another beaker,
acid added with a few drops of concentrated sulphuric.
The action is slow to
start but small additions of water hasten it and soon the
nickel and copper are dissolved, leaving the base metal
clean. In
the case of
non-ferrous base metals, the dissolving of small amounts
of zinc and other constituents
is possible, as iron is dissolved from a steel base. Water
must be used very sparingly, since concentrated acids have
only a
effect on
base metals, while dilute acids act rapidly.
The Chromium
is determined analytically by electrometric titration with ferrous
sulphate after oxidation. The copper
and nickel
solution must
have the iron removed by precipitation with ammonium
hydroxide. The copper is
then determined by plating analytically from the mixed
solution slightly acid with nitric acid. The nickel remains
in the
solution and is
determined by titration with potassium cyanide in a slightly
ammoniacal solution.
Cadmium is easily stripped
with nitric acid, and determined from a solution made alkaline with
sodium hydroxide
sodium cyanide,
An ingenious test for Chromium
plate is in use in several laboratories. Concentrated hydrochloric
acid will dissolve
Chromium but not
Nickel and the chemical action results in bubbles
of hydrogen being evolved
as long
as the metal is being acted upon. If the same acid
is used and the drop of acid is of the same size,
the amount
Chromium dissolved is proportional
to the length of time the bubbles indicating reaction
are observed. The relation between ounces per square
foot and
thickness of
plate to seconds
of reaction has been determined so as to provide
an accurate test. A drop of acid is placed on the sample
and the
instant bubbles
stop watch is started, to be stopped the instant
the bubbles cease. The seconds are recorded and by reference
to a table
and weight
of the Chromium plate is obtained. The table for
this test is an arbitrary one and must be determined for
standard conditions of
the test. This
test could possibly be applied to zinc and cadmium
The results of all analysis
in a laboratory are in grams, which are easily converted to ounces,
by dividing
tho ounces
of metal determined
the area in square inches of the sample, the ounces per square inch are obtained. Multiplying by 144
the figure
ounces per square
Referring to tables or previous calculations we
find that the weight in ounce per .001 inch per square
foot is .575
for Chromium,
for Nickel,
and .747 for Copper. By dividing the weight of
plate determined in ounces per square foot by the above
number the thickness
is obtained.
From the table of electrochemical
equivalents the weight of a metal deposited by one ampere minute
is obtained,
and by
weight per square
foot of plate on the sample by this figure the
ampere minutes necessary to deposit that eight
are secured.
In the case
of Nickel or Acid
Copper solutions, whose efficiencies approach
100% this figure is correct
as obtained. In the case of Chromium with an
efficiency of about 13% or
Cyanide Copper
of about 47%, the result must be divided by .13
or .47 to obtain the correct result. The result
is expressed
in ampere
per square
foot of plated
Various tables are published
on the relation of ampere minutes per square foot to the thickness
of metal
plated, and from
these the
ampere minutes
necessary to plate the metal of the thickness
determined, can be ascertained. One of the
most complete and correct
tables was
published by Baker and
Pinnet in January, 1928, in an article on ”The
Protective Value of Chromium Plate,” presented-before
the Society of Automotive Engineers.
A typical
analysis of Chromium over Nickel gave 0.011
ounces per square foot. The table
of electrochemical
gives 0.00019
of Chromium per ampere minute. By division,
57.9 ampere minutes is obtained, which would
be correct
at 100%
cathode efficiency.
the efficiency
is about 13.3, another division by .133 gives
435 ampere minutes of Chromium per square
foot. If
is to be determined,
weight 0.011
ounces per square foot is divided by 0.575,
giving a result of 0.019. Since
.575 is the weight per .001 inch per square
foot, 0.019 must be multiplied by 0.001,
and the thickness
of the
plate is
0.000019 inch. From a
perusal of tables on thickness and ampere
minutes, we find 0.000019 is equivalent
to 435 ampere minutes per square foot.
specifications of one automobile plant in Detroit are, Chromium,
0.00002” thick
and 0.01175 ounces per square foot; Nickel
on steel base, 0.20 ounce per square foot and on non-ferrous base,
0.10 ounce per square foot.
Typical analyses of the plating
produced by one shop in Detroit are as follows:
practice calls for about 300 ampere minutes of Nickel and between
400 and 500
amp re minutes
of Chromium.
If the time of plating
is known and the ampere minutes calculated, the
density is
obtained in amperes
per square foot
by dividing the
ampere minutes per square foot
by the time in minutes. The current
on a production
tank can be
roughly calculated
from a
knowledge of the
total square feet of cathode surface
and the current flowing, but such
a figure does not
racks and wires.
From the
data on
thickness -of plate, the actual
current density on the plated article is
obtained, and the knowledge as
to whether a bath
operating at its best-current density
Also, from a knowledge
of the ampere minutes of plate on an article
and the ampere minutes
into the
tank, the loss on
the racks
and wires can be calculated.
It follows then that the current necessary
plate at a certain current density
can be calculated from the
per cent of ampere minutes actually
going on the work.
With data on
the ampere minutes of plate per square foot and
ampere minutes actually
into the tank,
the efficiency
a bath can
be calculated.
Suppose one square foot of
surface to be plated with chromium at
100 amperes per
square foot
current density
for three
minutes, and the
resultant plate
found to be 0.0074 ounces per
square foot in weight. From
the tables
it is ascertained that one
ampere minute of chromium per square
foot at 100
per cent efficiency weighs
0.00019 ounce.
This figure multiplied by 3
X 100 or 300 ampere
minutes is 0.057
ounce. The actual
weight determined,
0.0074 ounce, is divided by
the weight
at 100 per cent efficiency,
and the result is 0.13, which multiplied
by 100 is 13 per cent, which
is the efficiency of the bath.
conclusion, I would impress
on you that a knowledge of
the thickness
plate is
important, and has
many applications which lead
to economy, efficiency and
a more
complete understanding of
the working of a
plating bath.
Bohn Aluminum & Brass Corp.
Assembled Expert Scraps With and Without Significance
Don’t fool
away so much time in toil. If you die and go to Heaven you’ll have
the work habit so bad that you can’t enjoy resting. And if you
go to Hell you’ll regret that you didn’t have more fun when
you had a chance.
Sentry Duty
The owner of a big plant, addressing a new employee:
“Did my foreman tell you what you will have to do?”
“Yes, sir, he told me to wake him up when I see you coming.”—Forbes
Getting Peeled
Wild and disheveled, watery of eye, and trembling of limb, he burst
into the dentist’s consulting room and addressed the molar merchant
in gasping tones:
“Do you give gas here ?”
“Yes,” replied the dentist.
“Does it put a man to sleep ?”
“Of course.”
“Nothing would wake him ?”
“Nothing. But—”
“Wait a bit; you could break his jaw or black his eye without him feeling
“My dear sir, of course, I—”
“It lasts about half a minute, doesn’t it?”
With a war-whoop of joy and relief the excited man threw off his coat and
“Now,” he yelled, as he tugged at his shirt, ”get yer gas-engine
ready. I want you to pull a porous-plaster off my back.”—Credited
to “Exchange” by the Christian-Evangelist.
No Incentive
Employer—“Sam, I hear you and George almost had a fight.”
Sam—“Yassah, boss, we all would ‘a’ had a terrible
fracas, only they wasn’t nobody there to hold us apart.” —Life.
Did you hear about the smallest woman in the world? She is so small
that she can sit and sew on a button.
Famous Pairs
Hug & Kiss
Neck & Neck
Night & Day
Yes & No
Win & Lose
Free & Easy
Up & Down
Jack & Jill
By E. D. Bedwell, Los Angeles Branch,
A. E. S.
As I am a practical
plater and not a chemist, in this paper I will not attempt the use
of chemical
or technical terms, but will endeavor
give in the platers’ every-day language an outline of our experiences
and conclusions during the past 18 months of the more or less successful
operation of a chromium solution.
The first and most
important thing I believe in chromium plating is the cleaning of work
for nickeling before
chrome plating, as we all know
that chrome is only as good as the deposit of nickel underneath. The
most essential
thing in cleaning brass or copper for a chrome resisting nickel is
a medium strength cleaner that will not tarnish but will still clean
are several such cleaners on the market3 then dip directly into clean
muriatic acid (no water in this dip), rinse in clean water, cyanide,
rinse and into
your nickel with as little delay as possible to avoid any chance of
stain or oxidizing.
Secondly, the nickel
bath should be of the single salts, Epsom salts and salamoniac variety,
very low in acid, and current
should be run
very low
(I should say not more than half the current the average plater uses
ordinarily for nickel plating), so as to obtain the very softest
deposit possible.
If these two rules
are observed very closely we have found little or no trouble with chrome
pulling the nickel; and as I
will explain
have had an excellent opportunity to observe the action of chrome
on different nickel deposits.
Third, we come to
the chrome bath itself, and the operation of same We have carried on
experiments for
the past three years with
a number
different chrome baths and about 18 months ago we arrived at
the conclusion that
very good results were to be had from the very common formula
of chromic acid and sulphuric acid in the proportion of about 100
to 1, and let
me say right here that we have found that about, is as near as
you can give
proportions, as in some cases we have only been able to use 1-1/2
oz. of sulphuric to 100 lbs. of chromic acid. The proportion
of sulphuric to be
used, however, may readily be determined by the bent cathode
test, which we are nearly all familiar with by now.
For the benefit
of those who are not familiar with the test I will refer to the paper
on the bent cathode test by W. L. Pinner
E. M. Baker
in the September issue of the monthly REVIEW.
We have had the
best success with a chrome bath having 3 lbs. chromic acid to the
gallon, but very satisfactory results may
be had with
2 lbs., and
here let me say that if you make your bath up with 3 lbs.
to the gallon you must maintain it at that for best results because
is not used out of your solution in anywhere near the proportion
that chromic
acid is, therefore you must make frequent addition of chromic
acid without the addition of sulphuric, and in no case should
be added without
first making a test as it is very easy to add but practically
impossible to remove. However, if you do get too much sulphuric
there are
several ways to adjust that condition. Obviously you may
,more chromic
acid, which will reduce the proportion of sulphate to chromic
acid, or you
remove part of your bath and add water and chromic acid enough
to increase the gravity of original point or you may add
barium carbonate.
of these should be added until you have made a test in small
solution to
determine amount required, and then add to or reduce your
large bath in proportion.
In regard to the
use of barium carbonate for the reduction of the excess of sulphates
in a chrome bath we have found
by a number
of very careful
tests that the striking in power of the bath will never
be quite as good as it was before the use of barium. Personally,
I would
not recommend
the use of it, but the more simple method of adding chromic
acid or if
excess of sulphuric is too great the reduction of the bath
with water and then addition of chromic acid.
The regulation
of current is also a very important factor in obtaining a bright
uniform deposit of chrome, especially
lower temperature
baths is this true, because the cooler baths have a slower
cleaning power Incidentally,
the tendency is downward in the last year in regard to
the temperature of the bath. Several platers I have talked
lately that are
operating the better known patented baths, tell me they
are instructed to
run the bath at about 100 degrees and we are operating
ours at very much
degree than that.
The current should
be started about 12 to 2 volts and gradually advanced after about 15
seconds to 5 volts
in case of small
easy work to strike
in on; but on large difficult pieces, 7 to 9 volts
if you have it. I wish to explain here that I talk in voltage,
because I practically never
the ammeter for the very simple reason that I found
that at
a certain voltage, regardless of amount of work in
the bath I got
a certain
result, and I
didn’t have to figure the surface to be covered.
I believe in importance are the anodes, as there
are a number of different metals that may be used with
and results.
lead, chrome and iron are some of them, and there
seems to be considerable difference of opinion as to which
are best.
experience along
this line is this: we started in 18 months ago with
lead anodes in a 200
gallon bath
at 120 to 130 degrees and used them about three weeks.
At the end of this period we had come to the conclusion
if iron
anodes did ruin
our solution in three months, as we had been told
it would, we would still be ahead of the game to throw
it out and
make a new
one, as
had taken
our lead anodes out at least twice a day to clean
them and then if we had a large piece of work we could not
get current
to plate
we put in iron anodes and have had them in the solution
ever since. About three or four months later we reduced
our temperature
about 90 degrees
and have since run at that or cooler. We are still
getting a bright uniform deposit from this bath,
with at least
95 per cent
of the
striking in
power of a bath we made up in the last two months
and also know others that have
run a year or more with iron anodes with the same
In closing I wish
to refer to the nickel subject again. We are doing chrome for 8 to
10 different
plating shops
have found
that the
nickel done
by some of them almost always stands up under a
chrome plate, while others in nearly every job have some
that peels This,
I think,
is because of
carelessness mostly in cleaning the work for plating,
as if it was trouble in the bath
itself or in regulation of the current the whole
job would peel off in the chrome.
So, if you are
having trouble with your nickel peeling when being chrome plated,
look first to
your cleaner,
second to
your current
and last
to your nickel bath.