Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
(Hard Chrome Plating)

by Randy Taylor, Advanced Tooling Corporation
January, 2008

Re-Chroming Automotive Rims

Q. I have four 19" automotive rims that I want to get re-chromed. I also have 6 letters that are 1" in height that I want to get chrome plated. I was wondering how much it would cost to get them done?

A. Ordinarily I'd say, save your money and go buy chrome plated rims. Having personal items chrome plated can be complicated and very expensive. However if, time and money is no object, then start the process. There are hundreds of decorative chrome shops across the country. Your best bet is to break out a "yellow pages" and contact them individually. Automobile and motorcycle magazines will have lots of ads. They may ask for pictures or ask to see the parts first, in order to provide you with a price quote & delivery.





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