Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
(Hard Chrome Plating)

by Randy Taylor, Advanced Tooling Corporation
July, 2007

Chrome Stripping

Q. How does NaOH (10oz/gal) affect 15-5 PH Stainless after 10 minutes exposure in a reverse current strip?

A. As a rule, precipitation hardened stainless steels are safe in NaOH & water stripping chemistry, but there are many reasons why stripping chrome from any substrate requires careful monitoring.

Things to be concerned about:

  1. Ensure that all current connections are sized properly for strength and impedence.
  2. Maintain DC voltage as low as necessary to avoid contact burn or over current,
  3. Maintain a PH of between 12.5 - 13.5 and encourage good circulation.
  4. Check parts often during the chrome stripping cycle.
  5. Pre-cleaning chrome to remove oils, greases, stains, markings and adhesives will ensure that the stripping process begins and ends uniformly.
  6. Never walk away or leave any parts in a stripping solution for longer than absolutely necessary.
  7. Never allow stripping parts to touch the tank bottom, sides or other parts.

When there's any doubt, I recommend running test samples under like conditions to verify the a set up is safe.





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