Hard Chrome Plating Training Course

Table of Contents

Section 7 Quiz

1. The three most common avenues for chromic acid exposure include (check all that apply):

a. Skin contact
b. Osmosis
c. Ingestion
d. Breathing

2. The risk of inhaling chromic acid mists in the plating shop can be reduced using which of the following (check all that apply)?

a. Respirator
b. Fume suppressants
c. Wet air scrubber
d. Porous pot

3. Chromic acid can cause cancer.

a. True
b. False

4. Fume suppressants reduce chromic acid mists by what mechanisms (check all that apply)?

a. Scrubbing mists from the exhaust air
b. Lowering the surface tension of the bath
c. Creating a foam blanket
d. Electrolysis

5. What should you first do if chromic acid is splashed onto your face?

a. Check with your supervisor
b. Use eyewash fountain
c. Neutralize the acid with caustic soda
d. Turn off the rectifier

6. Which of the following safety equipment should not be used in a plating shop?

a. Hard hat
b. Waterproof/acid resistant gloves
c. Apron
d. Face shield

Continue to Section 8



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